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Time to be an adult...

Leah Robinson

After graduating back in June, it still feels incredibly weird that I won't be going to any classes or lectures this month. I won't be catching up with coursemates about the Summer, or enjoying the uni lifestyle.

Instead, I'm ready to start my adulting.

Robinson Freelance has grown so much in the past year, and I'm so happy to be spending more time on projects. Whether it's for friends, past clients or new ones, it's taken up a big portion of my life, and I'm loving every second.

I've uploaded some great new photos to the website! Hope you guys have a look and enjoy some behind the scenes footage. I've been travelling a lot recently, even though I'm still primarily based in Southampton, it's great to go further afield.

The most exciting news of all is my work placement in America next year.

I will be travelling to Philadelphia next May, and it'll be an amazing adventure! I'm working for a brilliant company that works for non profit organisations, so, I will be in charge of the social media and vlogging side.

I can't wait to start this incredible journey! This will be a big step for me. For now, I'm pushing my freelancing business further by contacting independent companies, so I can broaden my skill set ready for the States!

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